Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The absurds of travels

Let's start with a motto:

This sign was painted on the wall in a unique bar-travel office-hostel in Hanoi that I found on couchsurfing. It was three years ago, during my first big trip and since then I keep it in my mind, because it is so accurate! Humans were living a nomadic lifestyle for so long, that a bit of craving to concuer new lands had to stay in our genes. The unexplained need of exploring the world is what drives me to go on the road again and again. When I am already there I am always amazed and never regret the decision of leaving home and one of the reasons are the strange, funny and sometimes impossible to understand ABSURDS of visited countries.

 China, Yunan  Province

Each country has their own quirks. Among many of them, in China I found it to be all families (including babies) packed on one motorbike with their traiding stall. Also the hostels that don't accept tourist. In Vietnam - people crossing the highway by themselves, farmers still using cows to maintain their fields. Cambodia shocked me with huge amount of chinese casinos and companies just next to extremely poor areas where people lived in bamboo houses. The prostitutes and turistic night life in Bangkok. In Egipt the most visible was the difference between 5 star hotel life conditions and polution and poverty of surrounding villiges. There was much more of it in each one of those countries that you could notice all around.  Also, one huge absurd is a turism industry that on one hand supports the economy of developing countries and at the same time destroys their identity, culture and forces to develop in a way that we as turists want. All of that is stopping the locals to spread the wings their way.


 Additionally in all of the asian countries I couldn't get over their food. Getting over eatting all the parts of the animals with no exceptions puched me strongly in direction of vegetarianism... The strangest thing that I ate in China was duck's head, pig's  fried noses and intestines. I have to admit, it sound worse that it tastes. Although now, I wouldn't force myself to do it.

However, aren't these eccentricities exactly what we crave to see? Because beside them, at the end, each country is just a country of our modern world. Filled with cars, smartphones, internet, corporations, airports, taxis, money issues, clubs, drugs etc. And I love those absurds, because they always remind me that we can live our lives any way we want - there is so many ways to do it and people do! You just have to go out from your comfortable bubble of your country, city or all inclusive hotel to see them. Then, the next step is not to judge, not trying to understand, just accept and be amazed with the diversity of the world :)

China, Yuanyang
China, Yuanyang

Sometimes, before departure to a country that I haven't visited yet, my friends and family are warning me recalling common stereotypes. 

"Watch out, they will try to kidnap you in Thailand and sell your organs", "Be careful, I heard that in Israel they are walking around with guns on the streets", "Take care of yourself, everyone will want to hurt you in Kenya", "There is mafia in Italy", "Be aware of gypsies on Balkans".

If I let them continue speaking, this could go for ever. Just repeating the fears heard from others.Isn't it  the biggest ABSURD: to spread unflattering opinion about something, before experiencing it in the first place? Of course, these stereotypes don't come from nowhere. However, most of the time there is so much more above them, so much good and pleasant things to receive from the people that are also feeling beings.

Vietnam, Ha Giang, New Year's period, tradition mixed with modernity, everyone watching an airplane in the sky
For a traveler it is really important to keep distanced from those warnings. Don't let yourself become scared of a place you're going to before even getting there -  it will take all the pleasure from you. 
Remember to be careful of unknown, but know the difference between PRECAUTION and PREJUDICE.
I will tell you a story.
              The sun was getting closer to the horizon, covering the world with darkness. This day so many cars passed my way, not being touched with the itchhiking message of my thumb. Crossing the border with Cambodia was becoming a dream more than reality. Until this day, hitchhiking in Vietnam was working really well, even though not many people spoke english. They were just very helpful. 
             Hope was leaving my soul and  I started to wonder where the hell can I put my tent around this busy road with no bush to hide behind. Suddenly a motorbike stopped and a man in his 40 kindly offered me a ride. His english was very basic but luckily we could understand each other . He was very concerned that I don't have money to pay for accommodation. All the way he was asking me if for sure I don't want to stay in a hostel. My answer was surely NO, because I decided to travel low budget.After  a long motorbike ride he decided to offer me a place to sleep at his home. Not thinking much I agreed. 
              As it was getting darker and darker we were going further from the main road. My heart startet to beat faster and thoughts filled with doubts about making right decision started to appear in my head.  There was less and less buildings around us, only small houses and no more concrete roads. The only audible sound was our engine and dogs barking. Finally, we arrived to a small house with two rooms and a garage made into a living room. The wife of my new friend was extremely surprised to see a white blond girl on a motorbike with her husband... In the beginning I saw she was a bit suspicious and didn't trust me. The man created a hostile atmosphere by showing me their simple home. It was a blessing for me. I really wanted to leave a good impression, so that the family wouldn't get discouraged with white people. Luckily they had two children which I started to play with and softened the mother's heart who understood my harmlesness. At this time the meal was being made with love and will to share the best the family had to offer.
             After a while all the family including grandmother, brother of my host and his children, we gathered around a big food tray filled with different types of greens, rice, some chicken, spices and soup. This was another moment during trip in Asia that showed me the importance of sharing the food with our close ones.
            Despite the late hour children didn't want to stop playing with me. The host expressed huge interest in the reality in Europe and my extraordinary way of travelling. This evening made us all feel connected, as if we experienced something very unusual together. The fact that the house was very poor, without inside toilet and kitchen did not disturb at all, because the people themselves were giving me much more than luxury. They showed me hospitality and nonjudgmental attitude. Of course, they didn't let me help them clean, because I was their guest and I could not say anything when the grandmother gave me her room with bed and went to sleep on the floor in the living room. 
         The next morning we woke up at 5 a.m. as my host was supposed to start his work. His kindness expressed with small gifts for the road - vietnamese coffe and a helmet that would provide me more possibilities of motorbike rides :) At 6 a.m. I found myself next to the highway again, with a feeling that after a night like this, things just have to go right.

Actually, I remind myself this story while writing this post when I was thinking about precaution. This was another time during my travels that I wasn't very careful and at the end it turned out to be an experience confirming that it is good to trust people. But I have to mention, that from the beginning I didn't feel any bad energy from this man and if I did, I wouldn't agree to go to his house.

a view on rice fields, 5.30 a.m.

border China-Vietnam which people are crossing everyday to trade their goods
a cock on a chain


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Everyone needs some light

                     Exactly 3 weeks ago I flew from the Promised Land, where parrots were singing with their funny voices and sea waves were playing rythmical symphonies. Above all this beauty, everyday my good old friend Sun was sending greetings that put smile on people's faces. I felt at home. I felt pleased and happy.

                     Then I came back to Poland where the winter is just starting and I got hit by the grey reality of my country. I saw all the trees already without any leaves in the parks, where the only birds you can hear now are the crows. The snow also didn't come for the most of the country, so there is no fun of throwing your friend into a huge, soft snowdrift and the view is not sparkling-white but boring-greyish. All that, decreased a will to live and enjoy. Because what is there to enjoy when even my good old friend Sun is not showing up anymore? In Israel he was giving me the power to move, to go out from home, to take from the day as much as I could. And I noticed that the people in my city - Warsaw, also became even more sad and closed for others. It is visible on their faces when you pass them on the streets or in public transport that they had to put a lot of effort to force themselves to get up from the bed and start another day without Sun Support. Functioning in such conditions, where there is nothing to cheer you up during the day, is quite depressing. The spreading lack of enthusiasm for life is visible and even audible - barely no one talks to each other. We are just crossing our paths with a quiet "I'm sorry" when we accidentaly touch someone in crowded places.

How, every year, do we survive this period of anxiety and insensibility? Today I found the answer. LIGHTS.

I went for a walk after sunset and I got amazed by the uncountable amount of LED lights decorating  the central and most turistic parts of Warsaw. The Old Town, Nowy Świat and the area with fountains next to the river Vistula seem to be covered with shining glitter. After nightfall, this grey city is being transformed into a fairy land in which wherever you look, you get amazed with glowing trees.

                    But really thrilling is a picture of so many people walking around this areas despite the cold that is already pinching the noses and fingers. All families went out in the evening to enjoy the beauty of light instalations. There were children running in some shining labyrinths and their parents were chasing them while making some strange monster's voices. Couples were taking photos on this sparkling background. You could feel the life there!

On the cute carousel with cars and airplanes I saw people in all ages laughing and screaming of joy as if the cold and the gloomy aura of the past days didn't exist. I also started to smile to myself - we need so little to forget about our concerns. But it is also so easy to forget to let go of them.

Seeing that happiness surrounded with shining "stars" made me think that we need the experience of LIGHT in our everyday life. If there is no Sun, we crave for something else to shine. Because the Sun and other types of light (when placed in a proper way), they enhace the beauty of our surrounding. Communing with beauty makes us feel better and gives us indescribable pleasure.

There is also something from bugs in the human nature. We as humans love to gather around shiny stuff, as moths we run straight to every brighter object to stare at it with amazement. So it is pretty easy to make people delighted - just put some LED lights or candles and something starts to awaken inside of us - some kind of joy or will for life. I believe, that as with bugs, it is our primary need of Sun warming up our gentle boddies. As living creatures WE NEED SUN!

So my message for you today is to determine your level of demand for sun rays and really focus on providing it proportionally to your requirements :D

Some light-inspired recommendations:
One day visit  the Light Move Festival that is happening every September in Łódź, Poland where you can amaze yourself with all kind of maping instalations and art pieces

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gan Habait - My second home

     What conditions make you peaceful inside? Where do you let your mind feel free? Breathe deeply and imagine this calming place...

I have found my heaven on Earth in the northern part of Israel. Today I would like to introduce to you an unique place - Gan Habait. It is an organic farm based on variety of fruits, vegetables and love for the people in need. The name of the farm means "Home Garden" and describes it perfectly.

What is so beautiful about this place and why did I fall in love in it? 
The first thing would be THE IDEA. The farm was established over 10 years ago in collaboration with kibbutz Harduf which runs a therapeutic house for the people with mental issues and diseases. Inhabitants of the kibbutz follow the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner - antroposophy. Here you can get many detailed information about this philosophy of freedom. 

Thanks to that very specific way of looking on our life, education, agriculture and universe itself, people that create Gan Habait farm seem to have some kind of inner peace and understanding of general truth.. I have never felt so much acceptance of who I am as I did during this few weeks that I volunteered there.

As volunteer in Gan Habait you have to work 6 hours a day from 6 a.m., so every morning you have a possibility to appreciate beautiful rising of the sun above the green hills that are surrounding the area. Actually, to APPRECIATE is what you do there the most. While picking strawberries or beetroots, planting lettuce, ginger or tomatoes, weeding vegetable patches you learn communing with nature in its purest form. Everything that grows from this healthy soil which has no idea what pesticides are, is full of freshness and distinct taste and smell that we won't find in anything that appears on shelves in our supermarkets. It was my first experience of working on a farm and I have to admitt, that I would have never thought that I would like this dirty job. Each day you finish being fully covered with mud, sweat and dirt that goes deep under your nails and sticks into your hair. But somehow, because of pureness and simplicity of kneeling between plants and giving them attention, you become calmer. You can get into very meditative state of mind that is being deepened by breathing fresh air and seeing bright colours everywhere you look.

 I would recommend every single person that doesn't have close contact with nature in everyday life, to give yourself the experience of really touching and carrying about plants, watching them grow and blossom in front of your eyes. 

Besides all of the great nature experience, there is also an unique human nature exploration that you can open yourself too. First - in this "Home Garden" you can take time for yourself and notice how your body and mind are working when there is no stimulus from the outside world. No television, no radio, no commercials, no billboards. Only sky, soil and plants in their full colour palette. 

What are you thinking about when there is no worries? What do you feel when nothing is taking your attention? How big diversity of sound can you hear when there is no hustle-bustle around? Will you just smile to yourself seeing all this beauty?

The best part of Gan Habait experience I left for the end, when I hope you already have a feeling of this place. 
Rudolph Steiner gave hundreds of lectures to expose his philosophy to the wider audience. Some of them were touching the subject of mental issues as depression, schisofrenia etc. What he advises is to help the people with this kind of problems not only with psychotherapy. This is why on this extraordinary farm there are people that use the contact with nature in order to clear and soften their minds. To have a "nature therapy". It was amazing and unusual to spend time with people that in regular conditions could be seen as "crazy". In fact, after having some long conversations with the ones that wanted to make contact with me, I can say without doubts, that they were more "normal" then most of the humans living their fast and furious lives. Why is that? 

HONESTY - this is what touched me the most in all of the participants of treatment in Hiram (which is a therapeutic center that sends their patients to Gan Habait). It is not that common to hear people expressing their needs and fears openly, in front of the group or people they have just met. While working with them I heard many times: "Be honest, with us you can". Thanks to their openness to every emotion or state, I felt comfortable with speaking about my personal fears and wonders and I felt understood. During our conversations I also learned how to really listen, sometimes to the stories that weren't easy to handle, because my working buddies had long-term depression, traumas after military service, huge fears. What I also heard from them a lot is that this work on the farm was helping them to find inner peace, calm down and rest. That they feel better after contact with plants. I felt it too! I believe there is something about love awakening inside of you when you take care of any life form. And love is what sooths us and makes us want to keep going.

Getting to know people from Hiram, which some of them I can now call friends, was a huge lesson about how each one of us just wants to be noticed for who we really are deep inside. That the troubles we are facing have influence on us, but they don't have to outshine our interests, knowledge or hobbies. Seeing all this people creating a strong supporting family where everyone can feel how they feel and act how they want, restored my faith in human spirit.

I've spend in Gan Habait around four weeks in total and I am sure that I will be coming back there each time I will visit Israel. This farm is an asylum and second home for me and for many that need an uplifting power of nature. The message that goes from there is to notice the beauty, appreciate all kinds of feelings and wanting to meet new people without judging from the beggining but being interested of their true essence. 

Thank you Gan Habait, you've changed my life :>

What are the life-changing places for you? Are there places that helped you to understand yourself more? I am really curious about your experiences! Leave a comment with your story, let's share the good destinations :)

Today I want to recommend a movie that reminds us that we are all HUMANS. Despite different nationalities we all FEEL the same. Watch it and share it with at least one person, so that we spread the good thought :>

"Human" - documentary movie from 2015