Saturday, December 28, 2019

Everyone needs some light

                     Exactly 3 weeks ago I flew from the Promised Land, where parrots were singing with their funny voices and sea waves were playing rythmical symphonies. Above all this beauty, everyday my good old friend Sun was sending greetings that put smile on people's faces. I felt at home. I felt pleased and happy.

                     Then I came back to Poland where the winter is just starting and I got hit by the grey reality of my country. I saw all the trees already without any leaves in the parks, where the only birds you can hear now are the crows. The snow also didn't come for the most of the country, so there is no fun of throwing your friend into a huge, soft snowdrift and the view is not sparkling-white but boring-greyish. All that, decreased a will to live and enjoy. Because what is there to enjoy when even my good old friend Sun is not showing up anymore? In Israel he was giving me the power to move, to go out from home, to take from the day as much as I could. And I noticed that the people in my city - Warsaw, also became even more sad and closed for others. It is visible on their faces when you pass them on the streets or in public transport that they had to put a lot of effort to force themselves to get up from the bed and start another day without Sun Support. Functioning in such conditions, where there is nothing to cheer you up during the day, is quite depressing. The spreading lack of enthusiasm for life is visible and even audible - barely no one talks to each other. We are just crossing our paths with a quiet "I'm sorry" when we accidentaly touch someone in crowded places.

How, every year, do we survive this period of anxiety and insensibility? Today I found the answer. LIGHTS.

I went for a walk after sunset and I got amazed by the uncountable amount of LED lights decorating  the central and most turistic parts of Warsaw. The Old Town, Nowy Świat and the area with fountains next to the river Vistula seem to be covered with shining glitter. After nightfall, this grey city is being transformed into a fairy land in which wherever you look, you get amazed with glowing trees.

                    But really thrilling is a picture of so many people walking around this areas despite the cold that is already pinching the noses and fingers. All families went out in the evening to enjoy the beauty of light instalations. There were children running in some shining labyrinths and their parents were chasing them while making some strange monster's voices. Couples were taking photos on this sparkling background. You could feel the life there!

On the cute carousel with cars and airplanes I saw people in all ages laughing and screaming of joy as if the cold and the gloomy aura of the past days didn't exist. I also started to smile to myself - we need so little to forget about our concerns. But it is also so easy to forget to let go of them.

Seeing that happiness surrounded with shining "stars" made me think that we need the experience of LIGHT in our everyday life. If there is no Sun, we crave for something else to shine. Because the Sun and other types of light (when placed in a proper way), they enhace the beauty of our surrounding. Communing with beauty makes us feel better and gives us indescribable pleasure.

There is also something from bugs in the human nature. We as humans love to gather around shiny stuff, as moths we run straight to every brighter object to stare at it with amazement. So it is pretty easy to make people delighted - just put some LED lights or candles and something starts to awaken inside of us - some kind of joy or will for life. I believe, that as with bugs, it is our primary need of Sun warming up our gentle boddies. As living creatures WE NEED SUN!

So my message for you today is to determine your level of demand for sun rays and really focus on providing it proportionally to your requirements :D

Some light-inspired recommendations:
One day visit  the Light Move Festival that is happening every September in Łódź, Poland where you can amaze yourself with all kind of maping instalations and art pieces

1 comment:

  1. Poland is so lucky to have you little ball of light back ! Israel is missing you a lot :)
